Why is the Left Mainstreaming Pedophilia? (Video 5:06) Inforwars.com NOTE: Caution, the video is frank and hard hitting!
Is lusting after children just another "sexual orientation"? (Video
5:06) Infowars.com. Are Gay rights just the beginning of a spiral into hell? But Gay rights was not the starting point of the spiral -- was it? I would say, "naturalism,"
is the answer - that is - evolution, Darwinism. Somewhere in my dusty basement is a cassette tape
of a theology professor's lecture. He says that between 1870 and 1920 almost every Christian organization
changed its most fundamental, foundational beliefs, from supernaturalism -- to naturalism. He
means churches, colleges, seminaries, etc. So. many, Bible schools sprung from the 1920s as fundamentalist
struggled to rebuild their supernatural (God is the Creator) world. The famous Scopes trial, or
Monkey trial, in Dayton Tennessee in 1925 was liberalism's, I should say the Devil's, counter attack to douse the flames of
the significant supernaturalism revival, which was then in progress.
The Father of Modern Creationism |

Dr. Henry Morris, founder of Institute for Creation Research, San Diego, CA |
The Devil's efforts were largly succeded -- the revival was blunted. In
his excellent, classic book, A History of Modern Creationism, Dr. Henry Morris, rightly titled, the "Father of Modern
Creationism," has many cogent things to say. The late Dr. Morris was founder
of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, California. He says, in regard to
the public relations disaster of the Scopes trial: "Except for occasional courageous Christian
teachers here and there, the public educational institutions, from kindergarten through graduate school have been strictly
centers for evolutionist indoctrination for well over 50 years (by 1984). Textbooks may not always have "evolution"
listed in their indexes, but they are invariably permeated with evolutionary presuppositions and naturalistic, humanistic,
interpretations of all phenomena. One of the most disappointing aspects of the Scopes trial was
its intimidating effect on Christians. Multitudes of nominal Christians capitulated to theistic evolution, and even those
who retained their belief in creation retreated from the arena of conflict, using the fiction that it was somehow unspiritual
to be involved in such controversies and urging each other to concentrate instead on "soul winning" and "personal
Christianity," with a great emphasis also on the soon return of Christ. The schools and government and society in general
were, to all intents and purposes, simply abandoned to secular humanist control, and they have been firmly under that control
ever since."


Thank God, modern creationism has grown strong and is a body of truth that most folks have at least
heard of, if not been somewhat impacted by. In areas like so-called gay rights, and this horrible
push to mainstream pedophilia, we must diligently resolve and secure the true basis of our beliefs and doctrine in God's excellent,
and righteous, creative foundational purposes, and in the Bible. We must avoid falling for false
doctrines and presuppositions.
Dr. Morris relates the sad story of the demise of stalwart
Bible believer and prosecuting attorney at the Scopes trial, William Jennings Bryan:
the most serious mistake made by Bryan on the stand (he was the prosecutor, but volunteered to take the witness stand, be
sworn in, and be grilled by ACLU aligned, defense attorney Clarence Darrow) was to insist repeatedly that he had implicit
confidence in the infallibility of Scripture, but then to hedge on the geological question, relying on the day/age theory.
He had been warned against this very thing by George McCready Price. Darrow, of course, made the most of it, ridiculing the
idea of people claiming to believe the Bible was inspired, when its meaning was so flexible that one could make it say whatever
he wished.
1925 Scopes trial Dayton Tennessee |

William Jennings Bryan |
The question is sometimes posed -- who is one's heros. Dr. Henry Morris,
along with protestant reformationist Martin Luther, creationist Ken Ham, are the very few heroes I look to. I love Dr. Morris' testimony (from his great book, the Genesis Record). It accords with my own, and
surely with that of many others: "I first read the wonderful Book of Genesis fifty years
ago, as small boy. My Mother had given me a Bible and, not knowing any better, I began to read at page 1. The
great themes of Creation, the Fall, the Deluge, and the Dispersion, along with the absorbing stories of Abraham and the other
patriarchs, all made a deep impression on a little boy's mind. I had been taught from earliest
days that the Bible was God's Word, and it never occurred to me in those childhood days to doubt any of these stories.
Years later, however, the evolutionary teaching in college (Rice University), combined with years of lukewarm teaching in
church and Sunday school during junior and high school years, left me with many questions. Consequently, I soon became
what would now be called a theistic evolutionist. The great Creation and Flood stories could hardly be taken literally
any more, and the tales of the patriarchs apparently had many legendary embellishments over their hidden core of fact.
I practically stopped reading the Bible altogether during those college years, although I was still fairly regular in church

I had trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation as a very small boy, however, even before starting school,
and he would never allow one of His little ones to perish. (John 10:27-30; Matthew 18-10-14). After graduating from college,
a combination of influences -- starting to attend an evangelical church, joining the Gideons, hearing the World War II edition
of Irwin Moon's Sermons from Science, and most of all, starting to read the Bible again -- eventually led me back
to confidence in the full truth of God's Word.